We specialize in customizing outdoor gear, including jackets, rain suits, hiking gear, fishing apparel, and workwear. Our customization options cover designs, materials, logos, colors, and more to meet your specific requirements.
Our minimum order quantity is 100 pieces per style. For larger orders, we offer bulk pricing and additional customization options.
Yes, we provide pre-production samples for your review and approval. This ensures the final product matches your expectations before bulk production begins.
Prototype Sample Development: 2-5 weeks for less technical items, 4-6 weeks for more complex designs.
Production Timeline: Typically 4-6 weeks after sample approval and deposit payment.
Expedited production options are available upon request.
We use high-quality materials, including Gore-Tex 3 layer fabric and other waterproof, breathable fabrics.
Yes, our professional design team can assist with creating or refining your product designs. We provide mockups and detailed storyboards for your approval.
Yes, we ship globally. Our production facilities in Xiamen, China, and Hanoi, Vietnam, ensure efficient international shipping to meet your timeline.
You can email us at info@goretexpro.com or fill out the contact form on our website. Our team will respond promptly to assist you.